Administrative and Organization Structure

International Projects department
Department’s Tasks:
- To manage International Project.
- To prepare proposals in international project that achieves the university’s goals in cooperation with the relevant parties within the university and international partners.
- To participate in implementing of workshops and training courses for international projects.
- To follow up and evaluate international projects within the university in order to ensure their progress in accordance with the defined plan.
- To draft and publish information related to international projects.
- To prepare the department s’ annual reports.
EU Unit Project
Unit’s Tasks:
- To manage EU s’ International Project.
- To prepare proposals in EU project that achieves the university’s goals in cooperation with the relevant parties within the university and international partners.
- To participate in implementing of workshops and training courses in EU projects.
- To follow up and evaluate EU projects within the university in order to ensure their progress in accordance with its plan.
- To draft and publish information related to EU projects.
- To prepare the unit s’ annual reports.
Research Projects Unit
Unit’s Tasks:
- To manage research Projects.
- To prepare proposals in research projects to achieve the university’s goals in cooperation with the relevant parties within the university and international partners.
- To participate in implementing of workshops and training courses in research projects.
- To follow up and evaluate research projects within the university in order to ensure their progress in accordance with the defined plan.
- To draft and publish information related to research projects.
- To prepare the unit s’ annual reports.
This department occupies a significant place in the structure of the ICO. Its mission is to strengthen cooperation with national and international universities and organizations. The three units, composing this department, are responsible for ensuring the following missions:
- Promoting national and international agreements.
- Promoting and strengthening national and international partnerships.
- Building new bridges with foreign universities
- Coordinating exchange mobility for students, teaching and administrative staff.
- Enhancing the internationalization of the university.
- Verifying certificates issued by the University for students who are going to study abroad.
Bilateral agreements Unit:
- Seeking the establishment of joint/dual programs with internationally prestigious universities.
- Contributing to the internationalization of the university.
Mobility Unit:
- Building new bridges with universities regionally and worldwide.
- Coordinating exchange mobility for students, teaching and administrative staff.
- Enhancing students to discover other cultures.
Verification Unit:
- Dealing with certificates issued by the University of Zawia for alumni who are going to study abroad.
Department of Administrative Affairs
- Preparing meeting reports, circulate decisions and printing correspondences.
- Receiving, recording and distributing incoming and outgoing mails.
- Preparing staff performance evaluation reports.
- Supervising technical matters related to the maintenance of equipment and the equipment available in the office.
- Helping in organizing and arranging internal meeting rooms.
- Preparation and supervision of the university’s participation in international conferences.
- Supervising the workshops and seminars carried out by the office inside and outside the university.
- Coordinating for the delegations representing the university to participate in the international events and the arrangements necessary to receive the university’s guests.
Secretariat Unit:
- Preparing and circulating forums of meetings.
- Printing correspondence.
- Receiving, registering and distributing of incoming and outgoing mails
Services Unit:
- Helping in organizing and arranging internal meeting rooms.
- Assist in securing the needs of various activities of the Office.
- Perform cleaning and hospitality work on a daily basis.
- Supervising technical matters related to the maintenance of equipment and the equipment available in the office
Conference Affairs Unit:
- Preparation and supervision of the university’s participation in international conferences.
- Supervising the workshops and seminars carried out by the office inside and outside the university.
- Coordinating the delegations representing the university to participate in the international forums and the arrangements necessary to receive the university’s guests.
- Completing the procedures of faculty members to participate in international scientific conferences.
Department of Information Technology
- Follow up and update the website of the Cooperation Office.
- Publishing research abstracts that have been participated by in international conferences.
- Following up the ICO emails.
Web Site and Media Unit:
- Follow up and update the website of the Cooperation Office.
- Publishing of research abstracts that have been participated by in international conferences.
Electronic mail Unit:
- Follow up the e-mail of the office.
International Organizations Department
Department’s Tasks:
- Preparing, proposing, coordinating and organizing the university’s participation in local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions concerned with educational affairs and programs in accordance with the university’s goals and policies.
- Study the projects and decisions presented to the university from local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions specialized in educational affairs and programs, and propose positions on them in line with the university policy and goals.
- Organizing communication and coordination between the university and each of the local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions specialized in educational affairs and programs to obtain memberships and academic cooperation to improve the quality of educational and research programs, capacity building and academic exchange.
- Representing the university in meetings of local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions concerned with educational affairs and programs.
- Follow-up and suggest the nominations of participants from the university in the meetings, based on invitations from local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions specialized in educational affairs and programs.
- Preparing reports with the latest studies and publications issued by the local, regional and international Organizations, Bodies, Forums and Unions specialized in educational affairs and programs to the University International Cooperation Office.
- The work assigned to the department.
International Organizations Unit
Unit’s Tasks:
- Organizing communication and coordination between the university and each of the local, regional and international Organizations specialized in educational affairs and programs to obtain memberships and academic cooperation to improve the quality of educational and research programs, capacity building and academic exchange.
- Follow-up of university participants in the meetings of local, regional and international Organizations concerned with educational affairs and programs, and preparing reports about it.
- Study the projects, decisions, and results of the meetings presented to the university by local, regional and international Organizations specialized in educational affairs and programs, and propose positions on them in line with the university’s policy and goals.
- Preparing reports with the latest studies and publications issued by the local, regional and international Organizations to the department.
- The work assigned to the unit.
International Bodies and Unions Unit
Unit’s Tasks:
- Organizing communication and coordination between the University and each of the local, regional and international Bodies, Unions and Forums specialized in educational affairs and programs to obtain memberships and academic cooperation to improve the quality of educational and research programs, capacity building and academic exchange.
- Following up and proposing the nominations of participants from the university in the meetings of local, regional and international Bodies, Unions and Forums concerned with educational affairs and programs, and preparing reports about it.
- Study the projects, decisions and the results of the meetings presented to the university by local, regional and international Bodies, Unions and Forums specialized in educational affairs and programs, and propose positions on them in line with the university’s policy and goals.
- Preparing reports with the latest studies and publications issued by the local, regional and international Bodies, Unions and Forums to the department.
- The work assigned to the unit.
Community Service Department
The Department of Community Services plays a major and effective role through the activities that the university provides to the community. It helps to provide various services that meet quality standards to allow growth and help strengthen the personality of the student to play the ideal role in the community. The department also works to find solutions to society’s problems.
The Local Activities Unit:
- Contribute to raise awareness among the relevant parties within the university to achieve higher ideals.
- Contribute to build the personality of the student to play the ideal role within the community.
- Participate in organizing and preparing the various local activities that serve the community.
International Activities Unit:
- This unit aims to transfer the experience of international institutions and benefit from them in the development of society.
- Linking society and international organizations and organizations in order to develop the community.